The Oldest gwit Site

Welcome! This is a site about gwit, a minimalist system for a Web of replicated, host-neutral, lightweight sites backed by Git.

gwit - Web sites over Git

I'm Degauss 👋, I will be publishing some texts here to introduce gwit, its purpose and features, to start discussions regarding its specification and how it should evolve, and to help others publish their own sites (new or existing) via gwit. You may contact me via email (my name at, or participate in gwit's mailing lists.

Site contents

What you can find here:

🗒️ A log with articles about gwit

How to access this site

This site is available at the same time via Gemini, Web and gwit itself:

♊ The Oldest gwit Site (via Gemini)
🌐 The Oldest gwit Site (via Web)
🪩 The Oldest gwit Site (via gwit)
🪪 Site introduction (with ID/key and Git remote URLs)


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